Sunday, January 28, 2007

January 29 - Feb 2

Looks like almost everyone is on board... so this week your posts will count as a grade. I look forward to the discussion. We'll take it easy for the first official blog assignment... only 5 questions to answer--and of course honor code rules apply to the blogosphere as well.

These 5 are due by midnight on Friday, Feb 2.

1)Describe why we can't rely on common sense when conducting research in psychology.

2)Explain the importance of theories, hypothesis, operational definitions, and replication in psychology.

3)What is the purpose of descriptive research? Describe the three types of descriptive research and their purposes.

4)Give an example of a study that would have a positive correlation. Give an example of a study that would have a negative correlation.

5)Explain the role and importance of an experimental and control group in experimental research.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Once you have registered with blogspot, you should post a comment with two components:

Complete the following:
1) "A learner is like..."
2) " A teacher is like..."

Feel free to respond to your colleagues responses as well if you wish.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Here we go. From January 24 through May 15 we have only 71 school days to prepare for the AP Exam. You can thank your state legislatures for the shortened time due to the new, mandated school calendar. The point is that we have a lot to do in a little amount of time so your diligence will prove critical.

This blog is a site on which you can discuss/critique/review/question/explain/etc. You will be required to post at least once per week for a grade. Any additional posts made will earn you one extra point per post--up to 5 points per week. Some of your tests grades will be very low as you get used to the course, so extra points are cool.

This class in many ways is what you make of it. The assignments for each week will be posted on this blog as well as, of course, in class. I will give you instructions for registering with so that you can post responses/comments if you cannot figure it out yourself.

Mr. Thomas